"....we are so privileged to live in a time where we have leading edge methods of healing as we travel side by side with clients making their journey to transform darkness into light...."
-Sandra Paulsen, PhD
Online workshops, videos, consultation, referrals, articles....

Sandra has several online workshops available at sfrankelgroup.com.
Sandra's online workshops are available for purchase through affiliated training organizations. These workshops are a way to get continuing education credits required for professional licensure and EMDRIA credits. Click here to explore those professional training affiliations.

These are brief videos available to the public and to professional therapists.
When EMDR therapy isn't enough and other topics of interest. Sandra goes into depth in a series of quick videos that break things down into bite sized bits. These are suitable for therapists and clients alike.
Sandra's Online Workshops

To Schedule Sandra for Live Workshops
Sandra accepts invitations to teach internationally and in the U.S.
If you'd like to schedule Sandra for a live presentation or training workshop, please contact Sandra directly to discuss the possibilities at sandra@paulsenphd.com.

When you want Sandra's thoughts about a complex case or a process she teaches about
Sandra provides case consultation for licensed mental health professionals via phone or Skype for $250 USD. Please register through her secure scheduling site on the CLIENT menu. Sandra is not providing consultation for EMDR certification or training hours.

To refer clients for intensive treatment.
Please send referral information to sandra@paulsenphd.com including 1) whether the client is well known to you, 2) how dissociative, resourced, and stable, 3) whether you agree to support the client clinically as needed until and after the intensive, and 5) whether they can afford the out of pocket cost. Highly dissociative individuals are not appropriate for the intensive format. Thank you for your kind referral.

Accessing the MID to Assess Dissociation
The Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation by Paul Dell, Ph.D
Therapists need to be able to determine how dissociative a client is to provide the right treatment. Dr Paulsen only works intensively with clients suitable for the format, and most highly dissociative people do not do well in the intensive format. Therefore, therapists making a referral should administer the MID which automatically produces a self-scored report. You can find a copy of the MID at this link http://www.mid-assessment.com/

Reading for Trauma Therapists

There are similarities between a mild autism spectrum condition and attachment injuries. Indeed, when a parent has autism spectrum disorder (formerly Asperger's syndrome), the child may or may not genetically inherit the condition, but there can be attachment and trauma related experiences and learning as a sequelae. Some of Dr Paulsen's early trauma clients are on the autism spectrum and many are not, but its helpful to have this conversation with the primary therapist before the intensive occurs. Go to: https://www.aspietests.org/raads/
Sandra's Videos via YouTube
Therapist Referrals
To Schedule Sandra for Case Consultation
Differentiating Between Attachment Injury and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Accessing the RAADS-R